Friday, February 22, 2013

2 weeks

I went in for another fill on Feb. 22 and they filled me with 60 ccs.  I am at 320 ccs now.  Because it was a large fill and I am reaching the 350 capacity, Travis PA, suggested that I wait 2 weeks before coming in again.

I think I could've come in the next week and not waited the two weeks, in terms of pain.

I asked about needing to massage the scars so they will disappear.  Travis said that actually, since my skin is so thin that I shouldn't massage the scars.  He said that even when patients do massage their scars, really it doesn't matter what type of expensive cream you purchase.  It's the process of continual massage that matters.  He said you just use normal lotion and massage.  But, for me, the risk/benefit is not worth massaging my scars.  Since my skin is thin, I might be doing more harm than good.  Travis mentioned a study where they put skin cells into silicone and continually stretched the cells vs cells that just sat.  The stretched cells secreted a hormone that aids in keeping the scar tissue to a minimum. Because my skin is constantly stretching, I don't need to massage.

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