Friday, February 3, 2012

Just How You Are...

Often some of our best conversations occur while Dan is in the shower and I'm putting on my makeup in the mirror. Over the shower door, Dan explained how sometimes he's apprehensive about my upcoming surgeries. First of all, surgery is a big deal, but despite that... Dan said that he loves everything about me.

Dan is one of those guys that holds onto friendships and memories. He was so cute when we left married housing at the University. He was a bit attached to our life there, as was I. It was a new stage and he likes new adventures, but enjoyed our time together there. A new phase of life.

I think this is sort of the same thing. He said that he even loves my baby parts that helped to create our beautiful children. He thinks my breasts are beautiful. I'm glad to hear that he loves me so much and I feel the same way. It's kind of like when you take a picture of an event to remember it forever, but it's never the same as reliving the experience. It would never be as perfect if you did relive it. I think it's going to be okay. We'll look back, but be grateful for what we have now.

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