I feel a lot stronger now that it's been over 6 weeks out. I am able to carry my little baby boy around without a problem. I have more energy. I am still reluctant to go for full out runs and resume yoga, but hope to do so soon.
I was soooo worried about hot flashes and other early-menopause side effects. So far I have been very pleased. I do get warmer at times, but it's really not bad. A few times I mentioned that I feel warm and my husband has said, "Me too!" or "That's because it's hot in here!", so I am not sure how often I am getting hot flashes. I hope that it stays like this where I am hardly bothered by the temperature change. At night sometimes I do need to flip off my covers for a little bit, but then like to pull them back up.
I was having to get up to go pee at least once a night towards the end of the 6 weeks, but now am able to sleep through the night again without having to get up.
I haven't noticed a change in my mood or behavior (Better ask my husband about that one to find out the real scoop:)
I would like to have more energy, but think I may still be a little tired.
There have been wonderful friends and family members who have been super patient and supportive in helping me to heal. I LOVE THEM!!!
All in all, I feel so blessed that my surgery went well. I am going in to meet with Dr. Soisson next week for the post-op check-up.
From someone that has been through menopause, believe me, you'll know when you're having a hot flash!! All of a sudden, out of nowhere, you will feel heat. Me & a friend describe it like the feeling you get when you flush with embarrassment, only extreme and all over instead of just your face. I had the night sweats too, flipping off the blankets, pajamas damp, ceiling fan on in the middle of winter. Still do that sometimes. And the moods, oy. I was grouchy sometimes but my biggest was crying/depression. That for BAD for a while and wasn't fun at all. The feeling of doom and hopelessness. Thank God that's over!!! I'm so glad you're feeling well and strong!!!!
Marge, I love your comments! I've been emailing you back personally, but I want to make note on my blog of how much I appreciate your support! You are so wonderful to answer all of my questions and cheer me on! You are a gift! Thank you!