Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Pee Indicator

What hurts the most is having to go pee.  That first night after surgery, the reason I think I felt like I was dealing with constant pregnancy contractions is because I had to pee so badly...and I couldn't.  The weight just pushed on my new injury and it hurt so badly to try to pee that I couldn't physically do it.

Now, it doesn't hurt that much, but it still hurts the most at this point.  I think when I no longer feel the pain of peeing that I will be pretty much recovered.

Today I had quite a scare.  For the most part I could tell my healing was coming along because my insides didn't hurt quite as much though I still felt tugging.  A real indicator was that I didn't have much blood...but today there was a lot!  A lot!  So, I called the doctor's office in a panic.  The nurse asked if I've been lifting and doing much house work.  She pinned me right away. 

Ever since our sweet baby boy has been home, I've been lifting him a bit (not a lot)...getting him out of his crib, carrying him to the deck, to the fridge for milk...  And I've been loading the dishwasher, bathing the kids, picking up constantly, folding laundry, sweeping and cleaning counters and appliances.  It seems that I've been doing less of that than normal so I sort of thought I was taking it easy?  But maybe the housework and the baby have pushed it too far.  My insides hurt a lot more today too. 

It's so crazy because I feel okay enough to do these things.  I feel like I have energy in the morning, but by afternoon I am tired.  It's only since Friday (3 to 4 days) that James has been home and I've gotten myself in a pickle. 

We were all so excited when Baby Boy came back home after a week and it's so hard to see him leave again, but I think I'm going to have to ask my in-laws to take him.  It's the only way I can really rest.  Maybe one more week away and then have him home to sleep and for his morning nap and find someone each day to take him.  I hate this part.  I and We already miss him.  We'll see if I can do it.  I worry about him when he's not with me.

But I worry about myself if I don't take it easy... the reason I'm doing this is to be around for my get better, do it right, do it faster by taking care of myself.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I had no idea what you've been through this past year! You have done an amazing amount of research + interviewing + have made some very tough decisions. I'm rather impressed :) Thanks for sharing your story + insight. You are undoubtedly now a valuable resource for those in similar situations. Kudos to you. I hope your recovery continues to go well + best of luck with round 2.... xoxo
